Please note: lead time is 6-8 weeks for Hoop wreath and 8-10 weeks for Wooden Cutout wreath depending on the state of your flowers when they are supplied.
You spend a small fortune on your wedding flowers to look gorgeous on the “Big Day” only to then throw them away! (heartbreak!) Why not save them and turn them into an everlasting wreath to hang in your home as a happy reminder of that special day!
I am happy to dry your flowers for you if you courier or drop them off to me. Alternatively you can dry them yourself at home before sending to me to arrange. To do this, simply hang them upside down in a dry place out of direct sunlight until the flowers feel paper-y. (Usually about 4 weeks. Different flowers dry at different rates and some look better than others when dried) Flowers will dry better and faster if they are hung in smaller bunches - 5-10 stems.
We can either make a hoop style wreath, a wooden cut wreath with your new last name - exciting! - or even a custom wall hanging in your chosen style and shape.
To find out more about this service or get a quote, please contact us.